Saturday, September 17, 2011

Disneyland, California, and the hatred of Florida

Why is there so much hatred from Californians towards Florida? Walt Disney himself was planning on building Walt Disney World. It didn't turn out how he wanted, but he is still a very strong part of the history of our parks. Speaking of history, we also have a very rich history in the parks and resorts.

I always grew up watching the World of Color episodes and old cartoons. Walt was as much a part of my life as any Californian, and probably more than most. Walt's plane is parked in Hollywood Studios. I grew up listening to the music of Disneyland as well as Disney World. I never knew of the hatred until the internet and until I went there myself. I'll be first to admit that our maintenance is lacking, and they make a lot of decisions that don't make sense. That doesn't mean that we've lost all of the great history, music, and memories from our parks.

When I go to WDW, I don't think "Disneyland sucks, we are better," I just have a good time. I like both. You guys have some things over us, I guess. It only takes a short drive to get there, too bad it's ruined by a horrible parking garage and all the crazy legal stuff there (like the slow trams and extensive safety spiels). You can continue to hate something that has "the blessing of size" rather than your cramped little version of the Magic Kingdom. ;)

BTW, I think our Magic Kingdom parking lot is larger than the entire Disneyland resort.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Perfect audio distribution

Does anyone use CDs anymore? What's the point of continuing to make them? You'll buy a CD, rip it, and put it away. Lossless downloads (FLAC is preferred) are the way of the future. If you want album art, they should include really high resolution images so the consumer can print them out however they want. Include the front album cover (or whatever art they prefer) and embed it into the audio. It'll be cheaper than producing CDs, and you don't have to worry about the 80 minute limit. Make it 3 channels so you can disable the vocals if you like. Make it 6+ channels for surround sound. Make it 24 bit if you like. Both are unavailable on CD.

No more worrying about the "perfect rip," when you get the audio directly from the studio.

Apple will have to get off it's iHighhorse and start supporting the superior audio format. Video game makers will have to get past this stupid mp3 phase, a phase that should have ended long ago. No longer will they have to license codecs just to play back mp3s. No longer will you hear clipping dialog or low quality music since it's losslessly compressed.

It's pointless now a days to separate compilations to fit on a CD, since most people just play back the audio on a player or their computer.

"Audiophiles" can keep their expensive record player and listen to all the pops and humming noise they claim is a "deeper sound," and leave me alone, cause I don't want to hear that baloney.